Office of the Registrar

Rev. Archdeacon Ryan Gzikowski, Registrar
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 412-621-5529 x 11

Look to the tree on the right column for links to documents for the clergy and faithful.

About the Office of the Registrar

Parish Level

All records of baptisms, chrismations, weddings, divorces and funerals are maintained in the Parish Registry Books. The local parish, detailing the information recorded in his parish’s Registry Books, issues certificates verifying the authenticity of the sacrament, and may issue transcripts upon receiving a request from the individual involved.

Metropolis Level

As of September 1, 1979, each Metropolis established a Registry Department, which processes marriage license requests, issues ecclesiastical licenses to marry, and maintains copies of the records for baptisms, chrismations, marriages, and funerals, as the parish priests following the Sacraments submit them. The Metropolis Registry Departments also maintain the petitions for divorces, the minutes of the Spiritual Court hearings that pertain to divorce petitions and copies of the divorce decrees issued. (Prior to September 1, 1979, the Archdiocesan Department of Registry did all of this for all the parishes of the Archdiocese. Since then, this is only done for the parishes within the Direct Archdiocesan District.)

Archdiocese Level

The Archdiocese Department of Registry maintains the records of weddings and divorces from 1923 until August 31, 1979, that took place throughout the Archdiocese. Since September 1, 1979, only those records that pertain to the parishes of the Direct Archdiocesan District are kept at the Archdiocese Registry Department. For more information, please visit:

The Office of the Registrar of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Pittsburgh is indebted to the Department of Registry of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Director and Staff, for their ongoing support and guidance.

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