Save the Dates!

Between Pascha and the start of the Ecclesiastical New Year, there are graduations (Sunday School, Greek School) festivals, Pentecost as well as summer saints and feasts to celebrate, vacation Bible school, and more. In short, our parishes are busy even as school is out and the pace of life slows for vacation and time with family and friends. Here are some dates to keep in mind:
• Sep 16-18: Inaugural Metropolis Family Camp, Camp Nazareth, PA
• Sep 24: Clergy-Laity & Philoptochos Assembly
• Sep 25: New Metropolis Center kickoff event
• Oct. 7-9: Metropolis YAL Conference
• Nov 4-6: The Folk Dance Festival (FDF) at Annunciation GOC in Columbus, OH
And, as a final reminder, the submission deadline for the Metropolis newsletter is the 15th of each month. This communication tries to be forward-looking in its content, giving preference to upcoming news and events versus that which has already occurred.

Be the Bee # 173 | Redemption & Repentance (Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt)

Be the Bee # 173 | Redemption & Repentance (Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt)

Jesus tells us that He came to shed His blood and "give His life as a ransom for many.” But what exactly does that mean? What does the Orthodox Church teach about atonement?
