Metropolitan Savas's Benevolent Fund supports the needs of those unable to provide for themselves in one way or another. Funds have been used to help pay rent, health insurance, moving costs, food, and other necessities. The Benevolent Fund does not receive direct appeals from individuals, but instead works to support needs indentified by Parish benevolence funds or the Metropolis Philoptochos.
The Benevolent Fund is supported by donations from individuals, parishes, the Metropolis Philoptochos and parish chapters, and from the net proceeds of the Annual St. Photios Awards Banquet.
For more information about the fund, please contact the Chancellor's Office (chancellor [at] pittsburgh [dot] goarch [dot] org).
Annual Distributions since 2013:
2013 = $73,621.29
2014 = $50,003.00
2015 = $43,804.50
2016 = $52,056.00
2017 = $53,094.50
2018 = $59,136.96
2019 = $38,140.34
2020 = $30,809.23
2021 = $31,142.50
2022 = $31,771.64
2023 = $71,506.73
Total Distributed (01/01/2013 - 12/31/2023) = $535,086.69