2020 COVID-19
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Selected Item Name Document Type Size Status Modified Date Create Date  
2020-03-17 - Directives During Pandemic.pdf Basic Document 167 KB Approved 4 Years Ago 4 Years Ago
The Road Ahead - Metropolis of Pittsburgh Green Phase.pdf Basic Document 589 KB Approved 4 Years Ago 4 Years Ago
The Road Ahead - Green Phase - Clergy Edition.pdf Basic Document 826 KB Approved 4 Years Ago 4 Years Ago
Green Phase Entry Disclaimer Sign.pdf Basic Document 59 KB Approved 4 Years Ago 4 Years Ago
Green Phase Agreement for Re-Opening.pdf Basic Document 83 KB Approved 4 Years Ago 4 Years Ago
Yellow Phase Entry Guidelines Greek.docx Basic Document 73 KB Approved 4 Years Ago 4 Years Ago
Yellow Phase Entry Disclaimer Greek.docx Basic Document 68 KB Approved 4 Years Ago 4 Years Ago
The Road Ahead - Metropolis of Pittsburgh Yellow Phase - Greek Edition.pdf Basic Document 1.3 MB Approved 4 Years Ago 4 Years Ago
The Road Ahead - Metropolis of Pittsburgh Yellow Phase - Greek Edition.jpg Basic Document 637 KB Approved 4 Years Ago 4 Years Ago
Yellow Phase Entry Guidelines Sign.pdf Basic Document 84 KB Approved 4 Years Ago 4 Years Ago
Yellow Phase Entry Guidelines Sign.docx Basic Document 73 KB Approved 4 Years Ago 4 Years Ago
Yellow Phase Entry Disclaimer Sign.pdf Basic Document 59 KB Approved 4 Years Ago 4 Years Ago
Yellow Phase Entry Disclaimer Sign.docx Basic Document 70 KB Approved 4 Years Ago 4 Years Ago
The Road Ahead - Yellow Phase - Clergy Edition.pdf Basic Document 1.3 MB Approved 4 Years Ago 4 Years Ago
The Road Ahead - Metropolis of Pittsburgh Yellow Phase.jpg Basic Document 149 KB Approved 4 Years Ago 4 Years Ago
The Road Ahead - Metropolis of Pittsburgh Yellow Phase.pdf Basic Document 1.4 MB Approved 4 Years Ago 4 Years Ago
The Road Ahead - Metropolis of Pittsburgh Yellow Phase - Presentation Format.pdf Basic Document 5.1 MB Approved 4 Years Ago 4 Years Ago
The Road Ahead - Metropolis of Pittsburgh Yellow Phase - Presentation Format.jpg Basic Document 331 KB Approved 4 Years Ago 4 Years Ago
Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility _ CDC.pdf Basic Document 1.3 MB Approved 4 Years Ago 4 Years Ago
Agreement for Re-Opening.pdf Basic Document 84 KB Approved 4 Years Ago 4 Years Ago
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