Religious Education
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Selected Item Name Document Type Size Status Modified Date Create Date  
MetropolisOratoricalFestival_Schedule2015.pdf Basic Document 651 KB Approved 1 Year Ago 9 Years Ago
Teacher Main #3 - Church School Teacher Notebook pmo edits 10-23-21.pdf Basic Document 172 KB Approved 1 Year Ago 1 Year Ago
CS PRAYER.pdf Basic Document 692 KB Approved 1 Year Ago 1 Year Ago
desired_attributes_of_sunday_church_school_directors_1.pdf Basic Document 124 KB Approved 1 Year Ago 1 Year Ago
Metropolis Rel Ed Notebook cover.pdf Basic Document 16 KB Approved 1 Year Ago 1 Year Ago
ONLINE RESOURCE LIST FOR TEACHERS AND PARENTS 01.20.pdf Basic Document 253 KB Approved 1 Year Ago 1 Year Ago
Religious Education Plan Revisons.pdf Basic Document 185 KB Approved 1 Year Ago 1 Year Ago
SS Staff Oath.pdf Basic Document 59 KB Approved 1 Year Ago 1 Year Ago
Supervisor #1 - Sunday Supervisors Handbook pmo edits 10-24-21.pdf Basic Document 82 KB Approved 1 Year Ago 1 Year Ago
Supervisor #2 - Sunday School Supervisors Guidelines PMO edite 10-24-21.pdf Basic Document 289 KB Approved 1 Year Ago 1 Year Ago
Supervisor #3 - Job Description CSD pmo edit 10-23-21.pdf Basic Document 201 KB Approved 1 Year Ago 1 Year Ago
Supervisor #4 -Sunday School Handbook Generic pmo edits 10-24-21.pdf Basic Document 398 KB Approved 1 Year Ago 1 Year Ago
Supervisor #5 - What Does a Program Need pmo edits 10-24-21.pdf Basic Document 130 KB Approved 1 Year Ago 1 Year Ago
Supervisor #6 - Textbook Materials Planning .pdf Basic Document 179 KB Approved 1 Year Ago 1 Year Ago
Supervisor #7 - What Your Child Should Know pmo edited 10-23-21.pdf Basic Document 324 KB Approved 1 Year Ago 1 Year Ago
Teacher - Supervisor List pmo edted 10-22-21.pdf Basic Document 72 KB Approved 1 Year Ago 1 Year Ago
Teacher Aritcle #1 - Live the Liturgy-Teach the Liturgy.pdf Basic Document 3.8 MB Approved 1 Year Ago 1 Year Ago
Teacher Article #2 - Engaging Parents w Religious Education .pdf Basic Document 162 KB Approved 1 Year Ago 1 Year Ago
Teacher Article #3 - Four Keys to Great Teaching .pdf Basic Document 180 KB Approved 1 Year Ago 1 Year Ago
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