Welcome to the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Pittsburgh

Metropolis News

The Pilgrimage of Discovery Documentary is here!

Experience a journey of faith, tradition, and resilience, as we witness firsthand the significance of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople and follow a group of young Greek Orthodox Americans on the trip of a lifetime. Join them as they visit Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, and find treasures of faith and cultural connections - one fascinating experience at a time.

Watch this first-of-its-kind documentary!

For 2024, the Archons will select at least one YA per Metropolis with promo/adv and marketing videos being ramped up now for release in just days.

Each RC will select a team of three from each Metropolis to evaluate local applications for YA between age 23-30.

Four applicants, selected by this Metropolis committee will be sent to a national selection committee where they will apply a rubric for final selection.. 

Eligibility and Criteria will be shared with that team in January as we plan on a nationwide Zoom with all Metropolis. 

At least nine and up to 16 YA's will be selected for this Pilgrimage. The Pilot 2023 launch occurred out of Chicago. We feel the attached video speaks volumes based on that success.

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